Had this for dinner the other night after seeing something like it on Lidia's Italy. I like this recipe because it's incredibly unfussy and even before it came out of the oven, it was clear that this would be a go-to recipe and a great way to make sheepish seasonal vegetables really sing.
It really came out as a less eggy quiche, or the vegetable filling inside a lasagna. it was phenomenal.
I will say, however, that when we had people over yesterday it was very humid out and the dough ust didn't end up that great. maybe i added too much water but i really doubt it. it just ended up kind of cakey and not crisp, and it didn't hold together in the same way as the first time i made it, so i wasn't able to roll it out superthin and it couldnt crisp. i'm going to play around with the dough and get some actual measurements of ingredients figured out. until then, some pictures:
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